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Women's Music Festival
Historical Information

This is the start of a section that will grow as I have time and info to add to it.
Basically, I've noticed there is no resource online for info on the early
festivals, such as who were the performers. And even the festivals still
in existence do not have sections on their own sites for their history/herstory.

Click for articles I have found for:

Michigan Womyn's Music Festival
National Women's Music Festival
West Coast Women's Music Festival
Boston Women's Music Festival
San Diego Women's Music Festival
Lone Star Women's Music Festival


Below, a marvelous resource. In 1980 & 1981 Kim Kimber published
the Women's Music Archives, a catalog of her collection of
recordings and data from Women's Music Festivals up through
that time..which told who played where and when; along with
a small listing of recordings and songbooks. Kim has given me
permission to share the entire catalog and supplement.

The collection has now been turned over to Smith College.

Click to start

Also, Here is a PDF file of the above book, along with my correspondence with Kim, 2002-2004

Eden Built by Eves - Bonnie Morris
I Highly recommend this book,and below, got to interview the author,
and ( I think) I asked really good questions.
Click to Listen or Download

Below, a couple general articles