Website Version

And, now there's a slide show version, on Vimeo...
[ with a video intro to Part 1 ]

Click for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10


And it's also found on YouTube at the links below

On YouTube Click for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,
Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Welcome to Queer Music History 101
…the Lesson Plan.


This is a special project of my radio show and website Queer Music Heritage. It was designed as sort of a study guide, or lesson plan, and I hope it appeals to those LGBT Studies courses now found at many universities around the country. So this is a two-hour crash course, and you have no idea how difficult it was to keep it to that, as I've been doing my QMH show for over fifteen years, and have over 580 hours of programs archived on
my site.

There are two ways to take the lesson. In the audio version you can just listen and follow along. I used short song clips, 65 of them. But in the actual lesson section I have links to full versions of the songs. They will give a much greater appreciation and understanding of not only the meaning of the song, but also the place of the artist or song in history. And the lesson also gives more in-depth information, and links to other resources, on my website and on other internet sites.

Students may choose to use a combination of these two ways. The lesson can be found either in the Flipbook or on my site. The "Click' buttons on the main webpage allow for the streaming or downloading of the entire audio version, and in the lesson itself there are buttons to click to hear entire songs, such as in the example at the left. From the Flipbook you can also download the lesson in PDF format.
         Click      to stream individual songs
  [ it may take a moment to load in your browser ]

The Why and How of This Lesson

The driving force of my radio show and site has always been that I do not think gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender music of the past should be forgotten. Several years ago I was asked to write an essay for a university music journal on "Queer Music Radio: Entertainment, Education, and Activism," and I think that article really fleshes out the importance of this subject area.

Click to read Boston University Journal Essay

The music history of LGBT culture is largely forgotten, and this is a unique area that should not be, as it reflects a culture itself that until the last few decades has been invisible. In their music artists describe their lives, and their struggles with a variety of life issues, just like straight people, and understanding brings acceptance.

How can this material be used? I am not a university professor so would not presume in that realm, but as an assignment the two-hour lesson can be streamed or, as I envisioned it, downloaded for listening or study later. As all songs can be streamed individually they could be heard and discussed in class if desired…it seems everyone has laptops these days.

I have inserted questions on various subject areas into the audio segments themselves and those are also shown throughout the lesson. Certainly professors will think of additional ones to highlight particular areas they wish to stress. And I would love to hear about them, for possible inclusion in the lesson for the benefit of all. I would also appreciate feedback when this "lesson" is used in a course, because it would be interesting to see where and how it is used.   


   Visit the QMH website  

This lesson is part of the website
Queer Music Heritage

 Send email to JD Doyle