1 - 60:10
JUHA - Be My
Husband (2012)
Young Kaii
- Hey Pretty Lady (2011)
Crys Matthews
- A Lesson Learned / Michigan (2012)
AG - I Wanna
Be Your Man (2012)
Sean Kagalis
- Legalize It (2012)
Sean Kagalis
- Forgive Us Our Trespasses (2012)
Norine Braun -
99% (2012)
Andy Northrup
- Making My Way / I've Been Busy (2012)
Amy Campbell
- Letters Home / Gasoline (2012)
Kevin Wong
- My Baby / The Crusader (2012)
Joie Starr -
Kiss You All Over (2012)
Carl Man
- I Wanna (2012)
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Veronica Klaus
- Hunter Gets Captured by the Game (2012)
Rufus Wainwright
- Out of the Game (2012)
Austin Marolla
- Closer to You (2012)
Jay Brannan - Beautifully
Kinsey Sicks
- T'aint It Love (2012)
Kinsey Sicks
- Toucha Toucha Touch Me, TSA Security (2012)
Whoa Nellies
- Sugar Coated Candy / She / Bus Stop (2006)
Twinn Connexion
- Oh, What a Lovely Day (1968)
Connexion - Letter from Dad and Mom (1969)
Manny Capozzi
- Let's Get Fat Together / Fear Love (2012)
David Clement
- Force of D / Forever or So (2012)
Late, with Diana Di Gioia - Either Or World / Long Day (2012)
Dahl - Bells in NYC (2012)