Finocchio's Menus

The menu above is from internet scans, and is not in my collection (yet)

Menus with drink prices

Scotch $1.00

Scotch $1.15

below, same menu inwith different coloring

Scotch $1.15

Scotch $1.15

Below, back of above card (1969)

Scotch $1.15

below, back of menu

Scotch $1.25

Below, back of above card

Scotch $1.35

Menus without drink prices, which I believe to be older:

Above, circa 1960


Above, Lestra LaMonte, Lucian, Kara Montez, Elton Paris, Tani DeMolina,
Jackie Phillips, Ray DeYoung and Laverne Cummings
Below, larger page scans

Tani DeMolina, Jackie Phillips, Ray DeYoung, LaVerne Cummings

and below, larger; this is circa 1957

Bobby Johnson, Lucian, Kara Montez, Elton Paris, Juan Jose, Les-Lee, Ray DeYoung, LaVerne Cummings

Below, Lestra LaMonte, Ray Francis, John Lonas, Francis David|
Lucian, Les-Lee, Ray DeYoung, Gene Burke